EBN Information Technology文华网络 建于2001年,前身是一间专业的中英文网吧,是加拿大安省多伦多市区人气指数最高的网吧之一。为高品味的玩家提供休闲 娱乐、网络游戏和高速上网服务,是上网、聊天、交友、电子竞技的地方。2005年起公司转型从事电脑配件销售、软硬件维修、系统及网络管理等相关业务。

EBN Information Technology  was founded in 2001,We are the network and computer specialist providing high quality network management and computer hardware, software, technical service for individual, small office, corporation and company. We also provide the following Online sales and On site computer relative service.


English Version



Due to all kinds of difficulties, EBN closed its business from 2023.Anyclient who need computer and network services please contact our technician. All the best!